March 28, 2021

Milton Harding, founder of Agapai Solutions, was our proclaimer at the 2019 Good News Gloucester Revival and has spent over 20 years serving and caring for the body of Christ across many areas of ministry primarily “shepherding the flock”. In addition to being a godly man, husband, and father, Milton, a former Chaplain with the Washington Redskins, believes strongly that teaching, mentoring, and strengthening men in their walk with Christ is key to returning our homes, churches, & communities back to God. Biblical discipleship for the body of Christ is the core of his ministry with a focus on men, the marriage relationship, and the family unit. Milton is passionate about sharing the word of God in practical ways to effect change in the lives of all peoples regardless of denomination, race, gender, culture or economic lines. Milton is committed to edifying and strengthening the body of Christ while directing the hearts of believers to the love of God, through His word and His Holy Spirit!


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