July 15 Newsletter

The Urgency to Repent

“Therefore, repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord…” Acts 3:19

The constant cry to God from Christians is for revival. Do we really understand what we are asking? If we can truly see God in these times of darkness, we will see that our prayers are being answered—His way (Isaiah 55:8).

The biblical flavor of “revive” is to spring forth, sprout up and grow green again! It is hard, I believe, to not understand the timing of this pandemic and ethnic unrest and the impact on the human spirit.

God does desire that we be revived. He loves His children too much to leave them wayward, in exile, in sin and away from Him.

Are you in any of those places right now?

Learning from Israel’s history, we will see God’s way of returning Israel to Himself (Rom. 15:13). Repeatedly when God wanted to get a repentant response from Israel because of disobedience, (as believers we have certainly been disobedient) God met rebellion with adversity but not before sending His prophets (His word) first (Amos 3:7).

This is what I hear the Lord saying to His church and to the whole world today, “…God is now declaring to men that all people everywhere should repent” (Acts 17:30).

If we are willing to see Him through the eyes of His grace and mercy and not only His wrath, God is giving each believer and the church especially, and the whole world a chance to “repent” (stop moving away from Him and turn to Him), “return” (for forgiveness), and be “refreshed” (spiritual exuberance) by the presence of the Lord.

I think we all agree we are in need of a refreshing and the cost is repentance!

Remember, you cannot revive a dead person.

Will you repent today?

Dear God, our Creator,
I come now with an honest heart. I need to repent because I have been in rebellion and away from you. I have been living for myself. Please grant me repentance according to Your word. Search me and receive me now that I might enjoy Your time of refreshing.

In Jesus Name, Amen.

Written by Pastor Milton Harding

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Have a Wonderful Wednesday! 😊



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