He was educated in the public schools of Screven County, graduating with honors from Central High School in June 1966. He attended Tuskegee Institute to study biology before joining the United States Marine Corps. While in the Marines, he served a tour of duty in the Republic of South Viet Nam, and was awarded a combat action ribbon, and finished his enlistment at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
He then settled in Baltimore, Maryland where he had worked during the summers while still in high school. Rev. Warren met Cleo-Cecelia Gregory in 1966 and they were married in February, 1970. They had five sons, James (‘Jimmy’), Darryl (deceased), Charles, Anthony, and Terry. Rev. Warren & Mrs. Warren also have two grandsons, two granddaughters, 3 great-grandsons and 4 great-granddaughters.
In 1990, he joined Jerusalem Baptist Church and made a total recommitment and rededication of his life to his Savior, Jesus Christ. He was ordained as a deacon in 1993 and later served as chairman of the Deacon Ministry until moving to Gloucester, Virginia in January 2004. While at Jerusalem, Rev. Warren served as the Adult Sunday school and Bible Study instructor, Director of Christian Education and as President of the Building Fund. All of these experiences enhanced his personal growth and deepened his faith.
During a period of very close and personal loses, he was moved to take and introspective look at these events that were shaping and defining his life, and Rev. Warren accepted his call into the Gospel Ministry. He was licensed to preach in October 2006. To broaden his knowledge of God’s word, he enrolled in the International College of Bible Theology under the leadership of Rev. James L. Harris. Rev. Warren received an Associate Degree of Theology in June 2009 and a Bachelor’s degree of Theology in 2013.
Rev. Warren presently serves as Pastor of First Baptist Church of Ordinary, Va.
He is president of the NAACP chapter of Gloucester County, a member of Gloucester Men’s ministry and many others civic organizations in the county.
To God be the glory for the great things He has done.